Full Snow Moon in Leo

Full Snow Moon in Leo


Welcome to the heart-warming Full Snow Moon in Leo.  Obviously most of us are still undercovers with seemingly infinite layers of white surrounding us.  Brigid is still beneath the surface reaching her tiny fingers forth…

But for at least this moment, our Lion-Hearted companion will warm us from the inside out bringing warmth to hearts and hearth.

We have crossed the threshold of the New Year once again as the Wood Horse gallops in and the fire replaces the water at the center of the altar… but … it’s not so clear.  This new year is marked by an intense shift of energies and a significant prayer – to alchemize the energies of fire and water… and while the Initiation of the Green Horse has already forced us to move over and make space for it – our real study of the alchemy of the masculine and feminine without and within – has just begun.

We are still riding out the energy of Imbolc – ‘In the Belly’ – and so our intentions still have some time to take full root this week before the Full Moon arrives.  The Celtic Goddess Brigid is patroness of Poetry, Creativity, and Smithery and she is honored with the Milk of the Ewes… she is in the Mother’s Milk of the Sacred Cow… nourishing her growing young.

So, break out that journal and get it out of your head and on to paper.  Start confirming event dates in your calendar.  Make plans that will carry you forward into the New Year.

Find the balance between work, creativity, romantic pleasure, and solitude.  Take that bath.  Dive into your dreaming… and see the Lion on your Right and the Hathor the Cow Goddess on your Left… Watch and learn as the energies of the Lion and the Goddess of Love weave and entwine.  This is our major study of the Year – of our lives really.  How can we live with these energies present, conscious and working harmoniously together?

So, celebrate the coming out of the gate into Fire and know that the Water isn’t quite done with us yet.

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