Sacred Water below and Fire Pit above

Sacred Water below and Fire Pit above

altlv1zGreetings from the Footbaths of San Augustin, Colombia as we move into Cancer Full Moon!  Sacred Water below and Fire Pit above.  The stones continue to speak… Convening with our Ancestors and the stories their bones have yet to tell… I tried to visit the birthplace of the Magdalena River on horseback and a storm veered us away… yet instead I was gifted the opportunity to see a gravesite on a mountain above the River herself where an Indigenous Queen’s monument stands.  I can’t upload photos now, suffice it to say they are coming… but it was a rare enough adventure I can only find one photo of her anywhere on the internet and I didn’t think it did her justice so I am not posting it.  We made prayer offerings there and after many strange events, realized how important it was to Pay Attention to the prayer of this land.  I am hoping to meet with a local whose Grandfather may have given him stories to share about the history of these people whose art dates back to approximately 800 A.D.

colombia-huila-san-agustin-264What’s clear from viewing several Archeological sites in the region, is that these people who we know very little about thought like most other civilizations.  They were interested in the sacred – and nature as sacred. They were concerned with he same subjects we are, the sun and moon, masculine and feminine and even the nature of duality as seen in several carvings.  And here in this place in particular there is a sense of peace, in the middle of yet another war torn country whose rules of conduct would make most US Americans agast – babies riding on the front of motorcycles, for example.  Here at the foot of the mountain where Kalisi rests, there are smiles on faces and people who look you in the eye, and children who want to know more about who are and play games together.

On an astrological note, I hope you are all weathering the Venus Retrograde this month.  For me and mine it has been a significant struggle to stay on the path of togetherness while trying to adhere to a path of planning.  The healthiest approach seems to be to stay in the moment.  Eat, sleep, rest, move… do what you need to… but don’t expect to follow a clear road map.  That just sets up expectations that cannot be met and disappoints galore as were forcasted… Those unsettling social situations… yuck… better to just accept that Lillith is still waiting at the door.  She watches us and if we don’t want to see her, we can ignore her for quite a long time.  But someone from your past will soon come knocking… or maybe even someone from the future… and it will be time to engage.

At the most basic level, the Cancer Moon promises and emotional depth to Capricorn’s Earth… but what we’re really looking at is the last 2 weeks of the Water before the other elements kick in.  So don’t fight it.  Resist the urge to act, to be in a state of “doing” instaed of a state of “being” for just a little longer… the Chinese Wood Horse New Year is just around the corner along with the Fire Goddess Ceremonies at Brigid’s Feast.  We’ll be burning off all we don’t need soon enough.  Just don’t forget that the emotional stew available now as you cook in your kitchen with Lillith gazing at you from the door – will you take the opportunity to fix it?  That old thing that’s been waiting around for ages for you to get to it?  Will you take care of what needs taking care of or will you slough it off til next cycle?  As always, like the Egyptian Cat Goddess Bast, Lillith supports your ability to have Free Will and Free Choice.  It’s always up to you…


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