A Message from Kali

A Message from Kali

Goddess-Kali-gods-of-hinduism-33227362-601-750Dearest Sisters ~

It is the Full Harvest Moon of the Autumn Equinox and
we are seeking balance…

Here in Colorado and around the globe we are certainly feeling the turbulence of Kali’s touch.

Last week She came in the form of torrential rains that created unprecedented floods in our beloved town, destroying hundreds of homes and businesses, and permanently altering the landscape.

Kali is known as the Dark Mother, the Goddess of endings and beginnings. She comes with a ferocity that creates radical change and can bring massive destruction.

She is a goddess of death. But in truth she brings not the death of life, but the death of the ego and the reminder of who we really are.

In our community, as people face the loss of their homes and belongings and engage in the restoration of what they can salvage, we have the opportunity to let go of our false identifications and illusions of separation.

I have experienced and heard stories of the remarkable ways people have come together to support each other, to care for each other, to show up for each other whole-heartedly in this time of great need.

And so, perhaps through great imbalance in our environment and the intensity of Kali’s presence in our lives, we can find more balance in ourselves by remembering what is truly important.

We can find more balance within ourselves by letting go of attachments to our possessions and the images of ourselves that they bring.

And we can strip ourselves down to our vulnerable truth, wear our hearts on our sleeves, and remember our Soul’s calling and the real reason that we are here…

And on this Full Moon of the Autumnal Equinox, we seek to understand the wisdom of the season – the balance of the light and the dark.

Please join us in honoring the energy within and all around us through our 13 Moon Mysteries of the Goddess Full Harvest Moon exploration.

Participate in your own time, as your life allows. We are together in Spirit.

Access this moon’s mystery here: Full Harvest Moon Mystery.

With love ~
Dayna & Shannon

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