OPENING TO LIGHT – Winter Solstice 2013

OPENING TO LIGHT – Winter Solstice 2013


Newgrange – Ireland, Winter Solstice Morning 2003 – Photo by Alan Betson


If you are working with Golden Labradorite or another stone you feel is appropriate, hold it now.  It will record the memory of any experience you’ve had, awareness you have awakened to, Vision you wish to keep.

The Stones have been the keepers of the time for all eternity.  They hold the memory of the Earth those Grandpas.  We say thank you to them this way when we sit to pray around the fire or in the lodge.  Our Crystal Stone helpers are also conduits, programmable and receiving – the feminine aspect of the stones, holding the energy of healing of embodied, crystallized aspects of realms beyond communicating with us.  Seeds of concepts we left for ourselves to find as life on Earth unfolds.  It is no accident that humans employed the stones as time keepers of many sorts.


Stonehenge – England – Winter Solstice

All over the world Stones are continuing to keep the record of the time.  Look at these extraordinary images from Stonehenge, Newgrange and Karnak in Egypt.  These are all images of Winter


Karnak Temple – Egypt near Luxor

Solstice mornings.  Somehow, human beings were able to measure the importance of this moment throughout the world and build great monuments to demonstrate this knowledge for thousands of years of generations to come.  What is the Mystery they were all pointing to?  What is the significance of this extraordinary observation of the dawn and the light?  How did they build these structures to begin with?  And how did they do so with such precision?

Here are the extraordinary images from Stonehenge built in 2600 BC and Newgrange built in approximately 3200 BC.  Having just visited


Newgrange – Ireland, Dawn at the Door, Winter Solstice

Newgrange for the first time last month, I was awestruck by the sacred feel of the land and how quick the spirits were to get excited when prayers were put down with tobacco and sacred medicines.  I only had a brief time to honor those stones and that passage in the way I would have liked, especially the triple spiral stones, but, I learned that Newgrange is one of potentially 40 such Astrological Observatories in Ireland alone.  And, what’s more, is that only Newgrange has been fully excavated.  Nearby Knowth and Dowth have been partly uncovered.  Dowth is aligned to the setting sun on Winter Solstice while Knowth is aligned to mark the Spring and Autumnal Equinoxes.  With so many sites yet to be explored, there could surely be a treasure trove of new knowledge coming from our Ancient Ancestors of Éire – so named is the Island of Ireland.  After what? – you may ask?  A Goddess, of course.


Newgrange Portal – Humans enter below, door for the Winter Solstice rising sun above. Photo by Shannon MD Smith, November 2013

So what, after all is this great Mystery of the Darkness into Light?  


Once the darkness is faced, we have a better understanding of who we are.  This reality of our existence comes as we enter into Silence with all of Mother Nature.  She leads us into quiet… silence.

In this Great Stillness all things are once again reborn.  The Oak King rises from his summer death.  New stars are born to guide us to the mythic witnessing of a newborn King.

The proof that the deepest Yin always turns into Yang and Yang at its pinnacle will always give way to emerging Yin – as at the Summer Solstice.  These are the mysteries present in each and every culture upon the Earth.  All things die and all things are reborn.  This is nature.  This is who we are.  We too shall die in physical matter and along the Path of the


From the central back recess within Newgrange. No cameras are allowed inside so I share with you a photo of a photo in museum.

Priestess, Warrior, Shaman, Healer, the spiritual death will come unto us, as well.

And if we have willingly traversed it all, so we too have been reborn.

Blessings on this night.

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